School Library
The library has a large collection of fiction, non-fiction, electronic and reference resources. Resources are available to students during their lesson times and during the second half of lunch (Monday to Thursday). School library resources are also loaned to classrooms to provide a range of materials for reading and research during the school year.
All students visit the library each week for a timetabled lesson. During these sessions students are provided with the opportunity to borrow books with a library bag, and to explore items within the library's collection. Session times also provide opportunities for students to engage in activities that aim to promote an enjoyment of literature and develop information skills.
At the start of each school year, the Year 6 school library monitors are trained to assist with the borrowing, returning and shelving of resources. This leadership opportunity gives them responsibility and teamwork skills.
Students can access the library enquiry Orbit page to search for books, reserve items or write reviews from home.
The home page also has links to:
- World book for kids
- ABC kids
- PK Magazine
- NSW Premier's Reading Challenge
To access this students need to logon to their Student Portal and click on the icon Oliver Library.
Throughout the school year, some students may wish to participate in The Premier's Reading Challenge or the MS Read-a-thon. Students are provided with relevant information about these challenges at the appropriate time.
The library is open for borrowing to all students at the following times:
8.30 a.m. - 8.50 a.m. - Monday to Thursday
1.00 p.m. - 1.20 p.m. - Monday to Thursday.

School Canteen
The Happy Snack Shack
The school operates a canteen daily (Monday - Friday) as a service to the students.
It is administered by a sub-committee of the P & C Association and is staffed by paid supervisors and much needed and appreciated volunteer parents. For more information visit the Canteen Page under P &C
Before and After School Care
The school also offers access to Out of School Hours (OOSH) care. This is provided externally, by YMCA but the program is conducted on school grounds. The program is offered on school days between the hours of 7:00am - 9:00am and 3:00pm - 6:30pm.
Children are fully supervised by trained staff members. Light refreshments are provided for the children as they participate in one of the structured activities on offer each day.
A well-planned excursion program supplements and complements all aspects of the school curriculum. All classes experience day excursions but senior classes journey further afield to venues such as Jindabyne Sport and Recreation Camp (Winter Program or Skiing) and Milson Island. School uniform is worn on all school excursions unless otherwise specified. Parental permission is needed for all occasions on which children leave the school grounds. Parents are notified of excursions at least two weeks in advance. If parents are accompanying classes, no pre-schoolers are allowed.
All students from Kindergarten to Year 6 benefit from the routine and practice which homework provides. Our Homework Policy which was developed in consultation with parents and teachers sets out the time which should be devoted to homework and the types of activities that should be undertaken. As a general guide, when spelling lists, tables, poems, or other work have to be learned, it is appropriate that parents supervise the learning and initial the work to indicate that the student has made a reasonable effort. Parents are requested to initial all homework on completion by the student. See the policy page for full policy.
To enable parents to understand class organization, teacher expectations, and programs of work, the school arranges Class Information Nights early in Term One. Later in Term 1, parents are invited for individual parent-teacher interviews to discuss their child's progress. In addition, parents are encouraged to consult with teachers at any time (by appointment) if they wish to discuss their child's progress or have concerns. Please telephone the school office or send a brief note to the teacher to request an appointment at a mutually convenient time.
Reporting is based on individual progress demonstrated through continuous assessment of the learning outcome/indicator statements from each syllabus as prescribed by the NSW Board of Studies. Written reports are presented to parents at the end of Term 2 and the end of Term 4.
Student Representative Council (SRC)
Students from each class in Years 2 - 6 elect two representatives to the Student Representative Council. This body is the voice of students on all matters pertaining to the school. All suggestions brought forward by the Council are carefully considered and the majority have been acted on. The Council meets fortnightly. A vital function of the Council is its responsibility for raising money for charitable organisations including Stewart House.