Parents and Citizens (P&C) Association
The Parents and Citizens (P&C) Association is the official parent organisation of the school. It is an active and dedicated group of parents, care givers, teachers and interested citizens who work tirelesly to support the teaching and learning at West Pennant Hills Public School.
Meetings are held approximately twice per term on the 2nd Wednesday of each Month (excluding school holidays) at 7.45pm in the Library. The meetings are open to all parents and care givers of the school and interested citizens in the area.
President – Samantha Robinson
Vice Presidents – Fiona Schulenburg and Sharon Savarino
Treasurer – Patricia Sim
Secretary – Stella Sun
Executive members – Luke Morley, Mya Hollins, Lowenna Rappo, Kamini Gounder, Truc Vo & Tameeka Williams
The P&C organises fundraising and other activities (e.g. Family Fun Fair, Social Evenings, Discos, School Book Packs) and operates through sub-committees including:
- Uniform Shop
- Band
- Social
- Communication
- Environment
P&C meetings provide a forum for parents to discuss the school's operation with the Principal. Everyone is welcome to attend and is eligible to vote on matters raised, by becoming a member.
What Happens at a P&C Meeting?
A P&C meeting is a public form in which members of the school community explore and discuss topics surrounding school life and fundrasining to further develop the facilities, opportunities and resources of the School.
Each meeting has a structure and agenda comprising monthly reports from P&C President, School Principal, Treasure and each of the Sub-Committees.
Becoming a part of the P&C is a great way to get to know other parents and learn from their experiences. A membership fee of $0.50 is all we ask to make you a financial member of the P&C and eligible to vote or hold a position on a committee.
P&C rely on the help of volunteers to achieve all we do for the school. Your participation and support is important and greatly appreciated.
Volunteers are always welcome!
How do I get involved?
You can participate in the P&C as much or as little as your time and interest permits. If you have time and a little commitment or a specific skill you can offer, then you may want to consider a position on the executive or on one of the subcommittees. If you don't have a lot of time you can help out by becoming involved as a volunteer for one of the many fundraising events. Any help is appreciated.
The Canteen Committee
A committee of nine parents, it decides on goods for sale in our canteen, pricing, organising "special days" and daily rostering of parent helpers. We have two part time employees. Health regulations do not permit toddlers in the canteen, but groups usually arrange to share the work and child minding on their rostered day at school. Being part of this is another ideal way to meet fellow parents. Parents also assist with selling at recess to K – 2.
The Music Committee
West Pennant Hills Public School P&C Music Committee offers an extensive and vibrant Band program and String Ensemble program. The music program is not part of the mandatory school curriculum however is strongly supported by the school executive. The Music Committee is a sub-committee of and is supported by the P&C.
The Band program is open to all students from Year 3 to Year 6 and operates with the support of our music partners, Key Music Australia. The program includes three bands, which cater for students with different levels of experience on their chosen instrument. The String Ensemble program is run by parent volunteers and open to all students from Kindergarten to Year 6. The program includes two ensembles, for beginner students and those with more experience.
Class Parent Network
Communication between the school and the parent community is facilitated through the fortnightly newsletter, the website and the class parent network. The class parent works closely with the teacher and other class parents. Each class has a contact parent who will send messages to/from the other parents regarding class activities, helper requirements and day-to-day questions.
Environment Committee
Responsible for maintenance of the grounds beyond the duties of the General Assistant and for special projects such as the 1988 Bicentennial Nature Area and its annual extension. Working bees are held each term, usually on a Sunday morning if mutually convenient to a pre-arranged program. Great exercise.
If you would like to help in any of these P & C committees, have any questions regarding the P & C or would just like to get involved as part of the WPHPS community, please contact the team. We would love to hear from you!